Meet Our interns
Summer 2024 Interns

My name is Agastya, and I am an intern for Rideshare2Vote. I am a student at Edison High School enrolled in its STEM Academy. I currently work for the dispatch team at Rideshare, and I am passionate about providing voters with a means to fulfill their democratic rights. Throughout my life, I have had a passion for equal rights and policy, and I have demonstrated this through volunteering with New Jersey Democratic political campaigns. Additionally, I contribute to my school newspaper, DECA chapter, and Health for Humanity, a youth-led organization dedicated to raising awareness about heart health issues.
The right to vote is something that various groups throughout history have fought for and serves as an essential backbone to this nation’s democracy, so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to help foster this right for those with limited access to polling facilities!
My name is Jonah, I am an intern at RideShare2Vote and I am learning how to change voter turn out one ride at a time. I am passionate about helping smaller voices be heard and attempting to make voting easier for those with services animals so every person and their furry friend can make a difference in the political world.
Jon Meza
Hi! My name is Jon Meza, and I am an intern at Rideshare2Vote.I enjoy working at the company because of the idea that everyone’s voice matters, and it’s crucial to have every voice heard when the time for voting rolls around. No one should be left out because of their circumstances, so we’re there to help get them to their polling station of choice. My goal is to help my team and make a difference in the community by having people vote.
Spring 2023 Interns

Miriam Guzzardi
In 2013, my older brother ran for public office in Illinois. This experience brought me up close and personal to the voting process and all of its intricacies and problems. Since then, I’ve spent my time working to help connect communities to resources that will help get their voices heard. I am passionate about working for Rideshare2Vote Aware because I am heartened by the equitable opportunities it provides every single voter.
Accessible voting is very important to me because it promotes the type of equitable, just society that I believe we should be striving towards.
Cody Hicks
I studied political science and peace and conflict studies and Wayne State University. I have done internships with two state senate campaigns, a student voters group, and the International Center for Ethno-Religious Conflict Mediation. During my time studying foreign affairs, I learned how important American leadership is across the world. I know the most important thing I can do to promote peace and prosperity globally is to make sure our democracy is safe here at home.

Cassandra Sturman
My name is Cassandra (she/her) and I’m an alumnus of Sarah Lawrence College and the University of Oxford. I’m excited to be a part of the team at Rideshare2Vote because I am passionate about fighting voter suppression. I hope that through this work, I will be able to learn more about voter outreach and education.
Accessible voting should be important to every American. Assuring that all citizens can vote and that no one is arbitrarily prevented from voting is essential for the preservation of democracy.
Ektha Ravishankar
I came to the Rideshare2Vote internship because I’m looking for ways to experience the behind-the-scenes work of politics outside of classrooms. I’m excited to learn what can be done to make voting accessible to everyone and to contribute towards increasing voter participation. I hope to use the skills I learn in this internship to one day work in the legal or political field. I’m also a senior at NCSU, and I love to read and hang out with my cat, Hermey!
Accessible voting means every citizen gets a chance to speak up. It’s important to me because, without it, people like my roommate who are unable to drive wouldn’t be able to take part in our country’s decision-making.

Vanessa Vargas
Spring Intern Coordinator
My family’s experience with voter suppression pushed me to find a tangible way to aid the minorities this issue affects, which led me to Rideshare2Vote Aware.This work has always been essential, and currently, there is such a stage to organize and create paths to liberation for various issues. I feel activism now more than ever can exhibit that when voters organize themselves and engage in politics, politics change and that they have the voice and power to do so. I hope to implement the skills I have learned to highlight the vote and voices of Black people in disenfranchised communities and create long-term change in our liberation.
Diana Briggs
My first experience in civic engagement was in middle school when I went with my best friend, and our school district’s superintendent encouraged voters to vote in favor of a proposition that essentially would raise taxes by one cent more a month in order to pay for more books for our school district. Later in college, we went to Washington, D.C., with the ONE Campaign to lobby our congresspeople to vote to forgive the debt of impoverished countries. Since then, political and civic engagement have been woven into my adulthood. Now, at 38 and a mother of two young children, I want to fully dedicate my work life to advancing racial justice and increasing voter turnout, especially in communities of color.

Zain Blair
My interest in politics began when I was just ten years old — with the 2016 presidential election — and has yet to cease. The world has changed so much in the seven years since then, but the effectiveness of activism and voting has only grown. I believe that voting is the most fundamental right Americans possess, and it is absolutely crucial that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the democratic process. Through my participation in the Rideshare2Vote Aware Internship, I hope to contribute to greater accessibility to the polls for all.
Alivia Lucas
Focusing on political science during my time in college allowed me to have a strong background involving voting rights and the processes behind each election. It has always been a passion of mine to encourage people to vote in every election and to help people get their voices heard!

Zoe Perles
My name is Zoe, and I have been a politically active citizen my whole life. I volunteered for my first political campaign at age eight, although “volunteer” is a strong word. I mostly made “Obama 2008” and “Yes We Can” posters to decorate the campaign office and followed my parents and other volunteers around to learn what it meant to be part of a campaign. Since then, I have worked for countless campaigns. Most recently, I was a Field Organizer for a Councilmember running for re-election in Lower Manhattan during the spring of 2023. This kind of work is something I find vitally important to being an engaged and involved citizen. But it has always been hard at the end of an election season to know that there was nothing to be done until the next important election. I look forward to this internship because I am thrilled that I will get to learn all about what happens behind the scenes between elections. I hope it will help me unlearn my perception of political work as something temporary rather than constant.
A person who wants to vote should never be denied that right. It is our responsibility as engaged citizens to help eliminate existing barriers that keep people from the polls and prevent them from exercising one of our most essential responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.
Delany Doggett
My name is Delany. I am a first-year graduate student pursuing a Masters in International and Regional Studies. I started doing voter outreach after seeing how immigration policies were affecting people in my community. I began advocating for reproductive rights, immigrant rights, and mental health awareness during my undergraduate career. I have since worked to advocate for fair election maps. I am looking forward to working with Rideshare2Vote to get people to the polls in order to make their voices heard.
Kennedy Jester
I first became interested in voting after an AP Government course during my senior year of high school. I had grown up in a family that felt disenfranchised by the political process, and it was the first time that I was ever able to see how voting directly impacts our nation’s infrastructure. Additionally, I was always interested in activism but honed my skills through a Nonprofit Development internship with The Borgen Project last summer. I am excited to speak out on the issues that hit close to home for me: LGBTQ+ rights, equitable healthcare, and the cost of furthering education.
FALL 2022 INterns

Yessinia Cantero
Growing up the daughter of Mexican immigrant parents has opened my mind to an awareness that makes me want to push society forward for the people of America who do not fit assimilation standards. As an 18-year-old and first-time voter, the right to vote has become something powerful to me, especially since I have grown up in a generation of social and political tension that has caused so much confusion and fear for the future. I hope to aid in empowering young voters to feel hope for change and in making voting accessible and easy for every single American citizen.Brayson Cox
I have grown up in West Texas all my life. I have seen the racism, homophobia, and all-around prejudice that come with living in a small town and the way people can get away with it, and how it affects people like myself. I believe it is necessary to focus on West Texas and do what needs to be done to make West Texas a safe place for everyone.

Gabrielle Gonzalez
I became interested in activism when I was in eighth grade due to my father and the 2016 election. I realized I could not stand by while many people’s rights and individuality were being threatened every single day with the upcoming election. As a Mexican American living in Texas, I quickly came to terms with the reality that nothing is certain, and it was important for me to do my part to help protect my rights and the rights of many others. I hope to use the knowledge I gain from ideShare2Vote in my future endeavors and continue my efforts to help give a voice to those who feel as though they do not have one. Rideshare2Vote holds the same values I do and I cannot wait to be a part of their mission to increase voter turnout.
Olivia Gut
Volunteering in the foster care system in Philadelphia allowed me to see firsthand the systemic injustices in the foster care and legal system, which inspired me to advocate for change. I could not help but realize that there were deeply rooted systemic issues of poverty, mental health, and educational inequalities that went unaddressed and unnoticed at local and federal levels. Rideshare2Vote Aware shares my passion for creating change, and I am so excited to work with an organization that prioritizes connecting with different communities and aiding them in sharing their voices!

Mukul Kallam
My name is Mukul Kallam, and I am a strong believer in the democratic processes for a variety of reasons, including strong representation, equality before the law, the freedom to act, and the right to speak and think freely. All of it boils down to voting, and accessibility to voting is a crucial aspect of our democracy and is very important to me. That is why I joined Rideshare2Vote Aware and strongly believe in the mission of giving free rides to voters.
Sierra Rodriguez
Throughout my own high school experience, I faced the polarization that is becoming more prevalent in school districts nationwide today. Since then, I have been fighting to uplift youth voices and empower youth organizers in order to catalyze them to express themselves and support the values they hold dear. The future of Gen Z is bright, and I will do everything possible to help them uplift their voices and attain the full potential of their political power.

Mia Quirino
When the song “This is America” came out, I was filled with a fiery rage that has yet to go out. I have put that energy into protesting to protect women’s rights, the LGBTQIA+ community, marginalized groups, and the environment. I hope to reach young voters and show them just how important voting really is.
SUMMER 2022 INterns

Adolph Brown
It has always been in my DNA to inspire change in the people and places around me, to be the voice of those who feel silenced, to encourage communities to demand change and connect them with the resources and people to do so. I’m an experienced community advocate in the Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia area. My work is focused on engaging citizens in the political process, reaching out and connecting communities with the resources they need, advocating for the rights of those who feel silenced and disenfranchised, and inspiring others around me to become a significant impact they desire to see.
Kimia Adibi
Growing up, I always watched the news with my parents, who, while they lived in the country, were not yet citizens and could not vote. To vote is to use your voice! Rideshare2Vote Aware helps to increase voter turnout, and I am glad I can help share voting information and increase nationwide civic engagement!

Lorelei Lin
I became interested in civic engagement after seeing the lasting impacts of segregation on different high schools I attended. To remedy structural inequality and protect civil rights across our nation, change must come from a policy level. I hope to help North Carolinians elect candidates who can lead us into a better future.
Nayab Warach
In high school, I helped charter and served as the Vice President of my school’s HSDA chapter. This experience of finding a group of students interested in making a change sparked my interest in voting rights and civic engagement. Now, as I begin studying at Texas A&M University this fall, Rideshare2Vote Aware offers an amazing opportunity to continue that work and bring that same experience to others. I’m excited to be here and learn skills that will help me do that and more.

Vanessa Vargas
My family’s experience with voter suppression pushed me to find a tangible way to aid the minorities this issue affects, which led me to Rideshare2Vote Aware.This work has always been essential, and currently, there is such a stage to organize and create paths to liberation for various issues. I feel activism now more than ever can exhibit that when voters organize themselves and engage in politics, politics change and that they have the voice and power to do so. I hope to implement the skills I have learned to highlight the vote and voices of Black people in disenfranchised communities and create long-term change in our liberation.
Vincent Mao
Based in Austin, Texas, Vincent (he/him) is an aspiring, young professional, community leader and recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. As a first-generation American born to immigrant parents from a country that had been devastated by political corruption and totalitarianism — Cambodia, Vincent realized from an early age the power that civic engagement holds in safeguarding the blessings of democracy and liberty. Since it has quickly become apparent over the past few years that American democracy is under direct siege, Vincent believes that young folk need to be active participants in the political sphere more than ever. Through the Rideshare2Vote Aware internship program, Vincent hopes expand upon his skills in digital media, communication, organizing and advocacy that he can take with him into his fledgling professional career and upcoming graduate studies.
Spring 2022 INterns

Caitlyn Alexander
I am studying philosophy and political science in college, and my studies have led me to an interest in feminist ethics and politics. As my passion grew, I knew I wanted to get more involved in activism, so I joined the Rideshare2Vote Aware team as well as an on-campus group called Raiders for Reproductive Rights. In the future, I want to work in policy advocacy for a women’s issues non-profit.
Joey Casiano
I started off as a volunteer deputy registrar here in Dallas during the 2020 primaries serving as the Voter Registration Committee Chair for Stonewall Democrats of Dallas. At the time, I felt a calling to do anything and everything I could to increase voter turnout. I still feel this calling and continue to work with organizations by helping them improve voter education and election awareness. We can register every single eligible voter in the nation, but if we’re not giving them all the information they need to be an active voter, we simply cannot affect positive change. This is why I chose to become part of the Rideshare2Vote Aware team! With the skills and experience I’ll gain from this program, I can get one step further to reaching my goal of tripling voter turnout in Texas over the next ten years. As ambitious as that sounds, something I learned as a Bernie Victory Captain was always to create goals for yourself that seem impossible, so you never lose your motivation. With the help of Rideshare2Vote Aware, I’m more than confident I can complete my mission so the people of Texas can confidently say our votes matter and know our elected leaders take us seriously.

Ricardo Penso
Low voter turnout is one of the biggest issues we face in America, and my city is no exception to this issue. Seeing how low the turnout is and how small the margins are, gives me hope that my efforts could contribute to actual change. With the guidance of Rideshare2Vote Aware, I hope to be able to make my idea a reality.
Samantha Gutcho
I have always believed that sustainable change comes from the bottom up. Working with Rideshare2Vote Aware has given me new tools to be able to enact that vision by teaching us about grassroots organizing. I want to implement what I have learned through this experience and see the lasting positive effects that increasing voter turnout and connecting with community efforts can have in political spaces throughout the country.
Summer 2021 Interns/ Fall Practicum
Arnav chinchankar - NJ

The advocacy issue I care about the most is voter participation and the right to vote because everyone deserves a voice in their government. I am working on this issue through Speak Up! TN, a political action committee which combats voter suppression and focuses on increasing voter turnout. Training with R2V Aware can help me lead change in my own town.
Support Arnav’s Outreach and Goals
paola Kovich - TX

I want voters to be able to become more confident when it comes to voting. I am currently researching ways to increase voter confidence and multilingual services to help those who do not speak English fluently. R2VAware will allow me to grow my basic set of skills as well as teach me more advanced skills to engage with more voters.
Support Paola’s Outreach and Goals.
Nicole DiMaria - Il

To me, the most important issue facing our country is voter turnout. In 2020, the year with the highest voter turnout in the 21st century, 67% of eligible citizens voted in the general election. Within my professional and personal lives, I constantly find myself helping others register to vote, find their polling place, and helping them to do research on every office on their ballot. My training with R2V Aware will help me to reach those who are disaffected or distanced from politics and encourage them to register and vote in every election, even the small ones!
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Nyx Mendoza - TX

As a queer POC my advocacy mission has always been to advocate for the LGBTQ community, in these times we have to be more visible than ever to fill in those spaces with our voices. There will be no pride for some of us without liberation for all of us, working with allies and queer candidates is the first step to ensuring a road to equity. R2V will give me the advocacy training to amplify my voice through the power of social media, ensuring I’m prepared to actively seek out the most contentious polarized gridlock places I can find, because so often throughout our history those have been the places where progress really happens.
Support Nyx’s Outreach and Goals
Parisa Braun - CA

An issue close to my heart is equitable education for women, for I believe when women are given the opportunity to learn, the changes they make in the world will be astronomical. Currently, I am an ambassador with GLOW Foundation Global, where we work to grant college scholarships to underprivileged women in Kenya through online advocacy and fundraising. My training at Rideshare2Vote Aware will teach me invaluable skills in social media outreach and digital communications, and I plan to use these skills in order to further advocate for the issues I care so deeply about.
Support Parisa’s Outreach and Goals
Lexi Denbow - TX

The issue I want to focus on is racial justice. Racial justice is something that I am passionate about simply because, everyone deserves the right to be treated with equity, love, and respect, and I have come to learn that if I am not actively fighting for racial justice, then I am only perpetuating it. This past semester I had the privilege of taking a class on racial justice, participating in a group called LBK Round Table (a group of religious leaders within Lubbock, TX dedicated to fighting injustice), participating in city council meetings, and talking with a few of the local activists who are fighting within the city of Lubbock. I hope that the training with R2V will help me take steps forward in the fight for equitable opportunities and outcomes for everyone, as I still feel that there is so much to learn and unlearn along the way.
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Lexi Denbow - TX

The issue I want to focus on is racial justice. Racial justice is something that I am passionate about simply because, everyone deserves the right to be treated with equity, love, and respect, and I have come to learn that if I am not actively fighting for racial justice, then I am only perpetuating it. This past semester I had the privilege of taking a class on racial justice, participating in a group called LBK Round Table (a group of religious leaders within Lubbock, TX dedicated to fighting injustice), participating in city council meetings, and talking with a few of the local activists who are fighting within the city of Lubbock. I hope that the training with R2V will help me take steps forward in the fight for equitable opportunities and outcomes for everyone, as I still feel that there is so much to learn and unlearn along the way.
Support Lexi’s Outreach and Goals
Spring 2021 INterns / SUmmer Practicum

Anthony Shelley
Anthony completed the 24 week internship program and has joined Rideshare2Vote on the Volunteer Management Team.

Juana Martinez
Juana completed the 24 week internship and has joined Rideshare2Vote Aware, 501(c)3, as the Outreach Director.

Betsy Zalinski
Betsy completed the 24 week interns program and has joined Rideshare2Vote on the Communications Team.

Trevon Hardy
Trevon completed the 24 week internship program and has returned to his Junior year at college.

Eric Tangarife
Eric completed the 24 week internship and has joined Rideshare2Vote as Latino Community Outreach and a Florida State Organizer.

Taryn Rayburn
Taryn completed her 24 week internship program and has joined Rideshare2Vote as the Michigan Outreach Coordinator.

Heather Tingley
Heather completed her 24 week internship and joined the Rideshare2Vote outreach team as the Ohio Outreach Manager.