Thank you for your interest in the Rideshare2Vote Aware Internship Program.
About the internship
Rideshare2Vote Aware accepts a limited number of interns each semester. We seek individuals interested in learning how to create voting access and increase turnout in real-time during every election.
The Rideshare2Vote Aware Internship can be a life-changing experience.
The Aware organization is dedicated to creating access for voters through voter outreach and our Ride2Vote Service.
- Ease with Microsoft suite of Products
- Basic understanding of databases/ excel sheets, etc.
- Familiarity with Zoom
- Customer Service Experience a plus
Rideshare2Vote Aware accepts a limited number of interns each semester. If you are a rising senior in high school, a junior or university college student, or a recent graduate with an interest in political science, business, fundraising, sales, social justice and activism are encouraged to apply for our next paid internship program. We seek individuals who have a passion and interest in working smart, focused and consistently to make a change.
The Rideshare2Vote Aware Internship is a life-changing experience as you commit 24 weeks over the course of two semesters, preparing you for your current and future life endeavors.
Our Internship program prepares you to work in business, politics, and other industries and empowers you to invite, mobilize, engage, and schedule and transport voters in our Ride2Vote Program.
- Team organization
- Program management
- Social media
- Communication- writing, political analysis, and reporting
- IT/ Data and technology tools to work with rideshare technology
- Marketing
- Organizing/ networking skills, and
- Persuasion/ sales skills
- Fundraising basics
- Working a complete election cycle engaging voters and scheduling voters for rides
They will leave the internship with a full tool belt of skills and a portfolio of work and outcomes showing their commitment to voting and their ability to increase voter participation. These skills and outcomes will set them up to continue their work in the political field or transfer this experience to their next life endeavor.
This is a 100% virtual internship. However, this is a working job, so plan to spend all 15 hours completing your work. Your work is an integral part of our success and without it our programming is compromised. We encourage each applicant to access their availability to add this rigorous program to your schedule.
We accept applications from across the country, we are specifically looking for interns in Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas, Mississippi, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Southern California, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arizona, Nevada, and Virginia.
To apply:
Submit a resume and one-page letter of interest that explains what past activities have prepared you for this program, why you are currently interested in participating, and how you want to use the skills learned in future endeavors. Send resume and letter to our